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Emergency Medical Technician Public Servant Citation
Any individual, who actively gives emergency medical treatment, provides rescue service or civil disaster assistance as a member of any public or volunteer company organized to give emergency medical care, provide rescue and civil disaster assistance to our nation’s citizens.
Law Enforcement Public Servant Citation
Any individual who serves in a municipal, county, state or federal unit tasked with enforcement of the laws pertaining to their area of responsibility. This award does not apply to individual employed by private companies or security services.
Firefighters Public Servant Citation
Any individual who actively fights fires as a member of any public or volunteer company organized to fight fires and give assistance to our nation’s citizens. VFW National 911 Dispatcher Public Servant Citation Any individual who serves in a municipal, county, state or federal unit tasked with providing the vital link between callers in distress and emergency response teams by obtaining essential information to send the appropriate responders to the right location.
911 Dispatcher Public Servant Citation
Any individual who serves in a municipal, county, state or federal unit tasked with providing the vital link between callers in distress and emergency response teams by obtaining essential information to send the appropriate responders to the right location.

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